COVID Safety Policy


The Law Office of Maria T. Patente PLLC values the health of all clients, staff, and attorneys.  This COVID Safety policy provides information about the precautions used to protect health and well-being during the pandemic.

COVID Safe Meeting Arrangements

Clients can choose to have meetings through videoconferencing, conference calls, telephone, or at the office in person with social distancing.  Multiple parties can participate through electronic communications from remote locations to promote social distancing.

COVID Safety Notice Policy

You will receive notice if an attorney or staff member has recently had a positive COVID test result or a high-risk exposure. We cordially request that clients offer the same notice about high-risk exposure so safety precautions can be arranged.

If a client, attorney or staff member does have a high-risk for COVID infectivity, meetings may be rescheduled. Otherwise, meetings will be conducted through video-conferencing or conference calls whenever possible. If a meeting must be conducted in person, social distancing guidelines will be followed and masks will be required.